Meet Jen. She’s my hero! You couldn’t possibly have it as bad as her. If she can enjoy freedom then you certainly can…

All right three weeks, less than three weeks ago, you’re in a wheelchair full time. You’ve got all this stuff going on, and now. What now?

Now, let me just stand up, okay? Do you see this?

Yes, I can.

Can you see this?


I am touching my toes. I couldn’t even do that when I talked to you last week.


I’m back dancing again. Yeah, and I’m walking a mile and a half – two miles a day. I worked out in the garden lifting up things full of soil and repotting stuff and everything yesterday. I can cook. You know, because I couldn’t stand to do it, and I love making stuff. I can do … When I started Zero Pain Now I could only write for five minutes at a time because I’ve had the rotator cuff and all that stuff too. It was like, “Oh my god!” I can write and I think one of my first emails to you guys was, “I hope the first thing that gets fixed is my arm. I can do that now. I sat yesterday and wrote for two hours solid.

You’re free.

Yeah, I’m free, yeah.

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