If your doctor told you to jump off a cliff, would you?
Obviously a variation on the line my mother used to say to me, probably yours too: If someone told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?
But every day I speak to people that come for Zero Pain Now®, and their doctors have told them they have fibromyalgia, bulging discs, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, torn rotator cuff, torn meniscus, whiplash, all these things and they’re told to jump off a cliff.
Either that they have to spend the rest of their life in pain managing it with dangerous drugs or to have some surgery that’s been proven seriously ineffective.
They’re told that they’re going to have a lifetime of suffering.
That’s the equivalent of your doctor telling you to jump off a cliff.
I love doctors. If I’m sick, I go to my doctor, I get better. Unfortunately when it comes to chronic pain, when it comes to emotional pain or physical pain, the medical training is for pain management.
It’s for trying to manage symptoms day in and day out. But unfortunately that’s not going to get you better.
Luckily, I just got a write-up from the Mayo Clinic and every single person they sent, bulging disc, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, every one of them was pain free and their case closed in 28 days or less.
That’s what the write-up says.
My suggestion to you after having helped well over a thousand people get better is talk to your doctor. Go to your doctor. Listen to your doctor and investigate because sometimes when you’re told to jump off a cliff, it’s not the best strategy for you.
Arm yourself with power, arm yourself with information, there’s a lot of it out there.
If I can help you, send me a note. Info@zeropainnow.com.
Or if you want to really know if you can get better, go to zeropainnow.com, take the pain test. Simple objective test. You’ll know in two minutes whether or not you can get better with 97% certainty.